Monday, February 8, 2010

Photo Class Trips...

Today, I went on a tour of a famous photography studio in Paris. It was really cool and even though this blog is primarily for showing photos I wanted to talk about it. It was really great to see where so many famous photographers had done major shoots. You can view the site at I wish I had enough time to intern there, but I have too much class and travel plans. My class also did a trip to Janvier (a retouching studio in Paris). It was so unbelievable to see the retouching process. We saw my professor's shoot for Vanity Fair Italy and the extent to which each image was retouched was really amazing to see in person. These trips and the influence of my professor, who is a successful commercial photographer, are making me more interested in commercial photography. We will see what happens once I start shooting in the studio!

In terms of retouching/commercial work, one photographer that we've looked at who I find particularly interesting and inspiring is Nick Knight. His website is and below are some of his images.

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